Our Palm City Dolphins Board is working hard to provide the community with a football and cheer program that builds up our young men and women.
We understand in any organization that problems can arise and we want to be diligent to address these issues in a timely, effective manner so that we can get back to what this program is all about - the kids.
If an issue does arise, we ask that you first address it with your child's coach.
If you have done so, or if that isn't a viable option, please go to the commissioner (for Cheer that is Sabrina Carreiro ([email protected]), for Football that is Jay Scarry ([email protected])).
If you have gone to both the coach and the commissioner and do not feel that the issue has been addressed properly, we ask that you fill out a disciplinary form. This form will be sent to our Disciplinary Committee to be addressed. We do require a name and contact number so that the Disciplinary Committee can reach out for additional details, but will keep all information confidential if requested.
Comments and Concern Form
Full SOP for Disciplinary
For any additional questions, you can reach out to our President, Luis Galvan ([email protected])